kiwisual Artistic Stones

Paddy Lennon (Ireland)/A Memory of Ireland

A Memory of Ireland

  • SIZE:130 X 120 X 50 CM
  • MATERIALS:Fiberglass, acrylic & baking enamel
  • CODE:PL01A

Story of the Stone

A place,
A time,
A mood,
Stored in memory,
Might be after 2 years when it was presented on a canvas;
I was in China,
But I was painting the beach I went to every morning when I was in Ireland—
Its dark weed and shadow from the stones.

Artist Profile

Paddy Lennon was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1955. In 1980 he received a diploma in Fine Art from the City and Guilds Art School in London. He has lived in Dublin, London, Connemara, Mexico and Spain and currently resides in Wexford, Ireland. His works are held in private and corporate collections worldwide. He has exhibited in numerous group and solo shows over his 35-year-plus artistic career. He is inspired by location, a sense of place, Chinese and Japanese art. He continues to develop his practice and technical ability in his craft, exploring new themes and processes in the development of new bodies of work.